Monday, July 28, 2008


Mommy and Daddy thought that I just had a chest cold but when it got worse, they took me an urgent care so a doctor could check me out. The nice lady took a picture of my chest and I got three stickers. While we waited for the doctor, I got a breathing treatment. Then, the doctor came back and said that I have pneumonia.


Unknown said...

Well, it is Friday and it has been quite a few days since you found out about your pneumonia and I hope that you are feeling better!!

Anonymous said...

I was so worried about you when mommy and daddy said that you were having such a hard time breathing and had to take you at night time to an urgent care facility. I am so glad that the nice lady took care of you and gave you some medicine to hold you over until you could see Dr. J. I'm so glad you are feeling so much better. I can tell by your eyes in this picture that you were not feeling very well. I'm glad you don't have "monia" any more! Love, Gramma.