Tuesday, September 04, 2018

2017 In Review

Another year, more stuff to document! It's pretty interesting how much we do that is the same from year to year, especially the things that get photographed. I'm probably boring everyone to death with the, "Here's me on St. Patrick's Day" and "Here's me on Halloween" but I guess, at least judging by these photos, that's all we do! 

March 2017: My usual St. Patrick's Day at Babcia's photo shoot. This time, my Mom made a collage of the photos so she could post it on Instagram.  

March 2017: The Orchid Show at the Missouri Botanical Garden

April 2017: Getting ready to play my two violin pieces at the Missouri Federation Music Festival at St. Charles Community College. This was the first time that I participated and I was pretty nervous!   

April 2017: Easter Sunday at Babcia's. My egg hunt goodies and a plateful of edible flowers. 

May 2017: Some "Red Nose" shenanigans on Memorial Day at Babcia's. We also celebrated my Dad's birthday.

May 2017: My school choir performed at the 7th inning stretch at Busch Stadium. After the game was over, my Dad and I tried to recreate a photo that was taken at a Cardinals game when I was younger. I'll try and find the photo and, if I do, I'll update the post for comparison purposes. 

July 2017: We went to Fair St. Louis this year. It was held at Forest Park since they were renovating the St. Louis Arch grounds. I'm posing with this enormous American flag that was being held by two fire trucks. 

October 2017: Clara and I had our pictures taken again by Alexandria Mooney Photography (formerly Pics and Paws Photography). We had Alex do them last year for the first time and they turned out so awesome that we decided to do them every year!

October 2017: My friends and I decided to dress as old time movie stars this year for Halloween. I went as Marilyn Monroe. I'm all ready to head out here except that it was like a million degrees below zero so I also had to wear a trench coat. So, no one really got to see my costume. 

November 2017: Here's me and my Dad and the annual Holiday Train Show at the Missouri Botanical Garden. I love this Christmas tree made entirely of poinsettias! 

November 2017: My family went to the Open House at Nerinx Hall High School, which is where I want to go to high school next year. We found out that they were performing Beauty and the Beast for their fall musical so I really wanted to go. My Mom got tickets so I got my first Nerinx Hall theatre experience! It was sooo goood! And an SMOS alumni was in the ensemble...... bonus!

November 2017: My family went to the St. Louis Symphony. It was our regular symphony night and, unfortunately, I don't recall what we saw. I'm sure that it was good. And, I'm sure that I dozed off.

November 2017: Family selfie at Thanksgiving at Babcia's.

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